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Joyride (ponyplay)

T: she has given me the look which promises that she'll spend some time playing with me. I look forward to these moments. Clothes are taken off, cold staircase is felt by my feet, then I find myself in front of stable door and I forget the idea of controlling what is to happen.

L: it is a lovely idea to have a horse in the house. He gives up control when he is bridled - he stays there calm, shaking his head and neighing.

This is where he feels at home....

T: with the halter and bridle on, other tack soon follows. These are to remind me constantly who I am now.

L: I don't let him in the stable for too long. Although the stable is clean, bright and tidy, although the hay smells sweet, the temperature is too low - he could catch a cold. He has to wait a little, though; I have some items to prepare.

The training starts - obedience.

T: she seems to pass by the fact that the surroundings and tack remind me to submit to her will. But I will not dismount her feet from my shoulder...

L: I know that horses should not be kicked, but with pumps on, I can't hold myself back. I am sure he will not complain.

High trot.

T: hiiiiiiia. It is diffucult, but I have exercised before. I will meet her expectations.

L: I am teasing him - I know it is difficult to put his hinders high in the air, but I will insist on several minutes. Should I tickle him or use the crop at the same time?


T: usually, no riding in the dungeon due to low ceilings. Still, the few steps are a pleasant experience.

L: he watches me with surprise and bit of unbelieving. Maybe he fears that I could clump my head into steel girders he welded just below the ceiling. Oh boy, you'll pay for this unbelief; I'll not clump my head and I'll dig my spurs into his flanks.


T: the horse cannot live on dressage and riding alone. He spends much longer time tethered to the ring on stable wall, tethered to a pole or tree. Hiaaa, please come back soon, I am waiting for you...

L: isn't he cute? To send him to pasture would be great, but its only spring and there is not much green outdoors. Moreover, he knows I have an apple ready for him in my bag.

Ready to move.

T: sticks are cracking behind my back. A command is shouted "Right. High. Higher." I lift my hoof as high as possible.

L: he knows me. When I left him, he knew he has to put out some effort to get the apple.


T: the crop caresses my shoulder blade. I crouch and check the terrain with my hooves. I have to be perfectly balanced.

L: mounting and dismounting is the hardest task. In the past, I had choked or blinded my pony with my hands. I have learned that I have to rely on his strength and balance. Light touch of a crop is all I have to do.

The world is best viewed from the saddle.

T: full blown field, sweet air and bright Sun give me euphoric mood. Although I bear twice my weight, I feel like I could fly.

L: now I am perfectly seated and feel him slightly quavering. He would love to run. I draw the reins a bit to create the necessary pull and then jerk twice. He knows it is time to trot.


T: the horse needs calming, slow stretching. Few rounds walking on a lunge, few rounds trotting. No jumping today. Well, maybe next time.

L: we usually end our play by few rounds on a lunge. My pony is sweating here and there, I have to let him stretch his hooves after I dismount. He then receives his sweet desserts and then I dry back (and all other spots which could be wet :-)

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