Tomáš Kudrna, the original author of this web site, died in airctaft accident on June 4, 2016.
His web is kept in the last known state as historical document and in his memory.

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Tom as a horse (again)

T: as you can see from the filenames (of the pictures scattered within this web page), the first of the photos was made this Summer, while the others were created during November. We wanted this series to document different settings for our ponyplay scenes - compare them with "classical" ponyplay settings featured in one of our older photo series. Ponyplay is an area where we are both "switches", exactly 50 / 50, (cf. the above link - Tom "bottoming" and the following link where L is "bottoming"); our Photogallery can thus feature even some photos of "Toma bottoming", which (I hope) makes them more balanced (believe me, when I receive emails from ladies, they are not all cute subbies). I hope that this type of photos will make our gallery more attractive for dominant ladies (and gays of all sorts :-).

L: The caption of the picture below is a bit exaggerated. You bet that I am not willing to harm my horse. I am quite happy that he obeys without questions (try to ask a question with a bit in your mouth :-) and carries me where I want to. However, we both like "classical" riding style more than "on all fours". When T walks on his hind legs, we can ride faster, it looks much nicer and the training can be continued longerďż˝.

Up the hill, across gravel, without knee pads.

T: A ponyplay scene during the Summer, outdoor, both of us naked - superb. But what will we do during the Winter? Of course we can practice in our dungeon, but what about having lotsa more space to trot at the public pool? Sadly, you cannot use leather straps or halter there, but the fun is great there too.

L: Ponyplay can be practiced almost everywhere. No halter, no tail, hands not bound. But it is still great when you know what you are aiming at, while the others see just two kids having innocent fun at the pool.

Swimming of horses.

T: Having returned home, I got my full gear - this way, you can really concentrate on position training and obedience. Regarding the surrounding, it is great to do such scenes at home (or at our friends' :-). Once again, similarly to my writings in other parts of our Photogallery - playing with obedience, rewards and punisment is sometimes edge play, but we love it on the edge.

L: Most of the time, he obeys. He seldom refuses an order, he is not a masochist :-) Sometimes he tries to provoke me, to see my reaction. "Oh boy, you did it again. Well, how do you like our sharp kneeling pad? If you do this once more, I will have to resort to another one, the one made of beer bottle caps turned upside down - the latter pad is a bit rusty, and sharp as hell :-)" I do not have to be harsh on him too often. He is a good, obedient horse. He loves serving me. Only he would prefer sausage for reward instead of sugar cubes. He simply cannot live on real horse diet...

...bad horse, bad....

...obedient again...

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